Can there be too many online bingo sites?

Anything which gives consumers more choice has to be a good thing but when you look at the amount of online bingo sites, you have to wonder if there is enough business to go around. There are some big names in the online bingo community and it is inevitable that they will hold the lion’s share of bingo players. There are a number of niche sites available to entice players in but by and large, you would think it would be difficult for all of the available sites to make a reasonable amount of profit from their site.
Bingo Zest site to close down
This is why it has come as no surprise to learn that the Bingo Zest site is closing down on the 29th of April. It is hard to think of a time when this site was written or talked about but no doubt it had something to offer for new players. As of the 13th of April, no new players or new deposits will be allowed to be made on the site as it winds down to closing completely before the end of the month. This means that any Bingo Zest players with money left in their online accounts would be advised to get playing or get it withdrawn before they miss the chance.
Hard to compete with the big boys
There are rumours of a number of other sites looking likely to follow the example set by Bingo Zest and it must be said, this isn’t too surprising. With big names like Jackpot Joy and Foxy Bingo ramping up their advertising, more and more people will be drawn to the larger sites. It is likely a cyclical process will kick in because the more members a site has, the greater the ability they will have to offer big prizes. The more big prizes a bingo site can offer, the more likely they will be encourage new members to join up with them. There will always be a place for independent and niche sites in the online bingo community but there is a feeling that the major sites are only going to go from strength to strength.
If this provides better value and entertainment for punters, it won’t be a bad thing but it is never pleasing to see one or two companies with most of the power.
Community spirit may save the day
The online bingo community maintains much of the spirit and friendliness that was typified in physical bingo halls and this is something that bingo players still look for. If a firm wants to remain competitive in the industry, they are likely going to have to offer their members a way to interact with others and feel part of something. This is something that smaller sites may be better equipped to provide but there is certainly an opportunity to win people over by offering a good service.