- Jackpot – A large win on a slot machine.
- Jacks or Better – Draw poker in which a pair of Jacks is the minimum hand permitted to start the action.
- Joker – The 53 rd card in a deck, sometimes used as a wild card.
- Juice – The bookmakers commission for taking a bet.
- Keno Board – A large electronic board that displays the winning keno numbers.
- Keno Lounge – The main area within a casino where keno is played.
- Keno Runner – A casino employee who shuttles a keno bet from wherever the player is to the keno writer, and also delivers payment for winning tickets.
- Kibitzer – A spectator at any game who usually dispenses unwanted advice.
- Kick – One’s own pocket.
- Kicker – In a draw poker game, an odd high card held that doesn’t contribute to a straight or a flush, usually an ace or a king.
- Kicker Trouble – Not having as high a kicker as an opponent.
- Knock – To cast disparaging remarks about someone. Usually done behind his or her back.
- Kojak – A hand that contains a K-J.
- Ladies – Two Queens.
- Lady – A Queen.
- Lay Bet – A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will not be rolled before a 7 comes up.
- Lay The Odds – Odds bet against the number that pays off at less than even money.
- Lay Wager – Betting against a point number that has been thrown by paying a 5% commission.
- Laydown – A wager.
- Laying The Points – Betting on the favorite.
- Layout – The graphic table cover that indicates all places where wagers can be placed.
- Let It Ride – A poker game.
- Limit – Definition 1: Maximum amount a player may wager on a specific bet or event. Definition 2: Maximum amount a player may increase a previous bet (at poker, etc). Definition 3: Maximum amount bet before the casino/bookie changes odds and/or the points.
- Limp In – In poker, to enter the pot by calling rather than raising.
- Line – The listed odds or points offered on a game.
- Line Maker – A person who establishes the original and subsequent betting lines.
- Little Joe – A pair of 2s.
- Live Hand – A hand that could still win the pot.
- Live Horse – A horse considered to be in shape to run his best.
- Live One – A player with money looking for action.
- Load Up – To play the maximum number of coins per spin that a slot machine or video game will allow.
- Loaded – A person with a large bankroll.
- Lock – Best bet, an easy winner, a no brainer.
- Loose Slots – A loose slot indicates a machine with a higher payout over a period of time.
- Low Ball – A poker game in which the pot is awarded to the hand with the lowest poker value.
- Low Poker – A poker game in which the pot is awarded to the hand with the lowest poker value.