- Paint – A Jack, Queen or King.
- Pair – Any two cards that have the same rank. Generally, pairs can be split and played as two hands.
- Palette – The flat paddle used on the Baccarat table to scoop the cards.
- Paper – Marked cards.
- Paralay – A bet on two or more propositions.
- Parley – Keeping one’s winnings in action
- Pass – Definition 1: To not bet, to fold. Definition 2: A winning situation for the right bettors in Craps.
- Pass Line – The area where a Pass Line Bet is placed.
- Pass Line Bet – A wager made prior to the Come Out roll that a point will repeat.
- Past Performance – Prior events are studied in order to help determine the outcome of a future contest.
- Past Post – A devious attempt to bet during or after an event has taken place.
- Pat – In blackjack, an unbusted hand worth at least 17 points. In draw poker, a hand that does not need any more hands.
- Pay Cycle – A theoretical expression that reflects the number of plays required for the machine to cycle through all possible winning and non-winning combinations.
- Pay Line – The line on a slot machine window on which the symbols from each reel must line up.
- Pay Off – Calling a bet with little expectation of winning.
- Payback Percentage – The percent of each dollar played in a video or slot machine that the machine is programmed to return to the player. Payback percentage is 100 percent minus the house edge.
- Payoff Schedule – A posting somewhere on the front of a slot or video poker machine, that tells the player what each winning hand will pay for the number of coins or credits played.
- Payout Percentage – The percent of each dollar played in a video or slot machine that the machine is programmed to return to the player. Payout percentage is 100 percent minus the house edge.
- Payout Table – A posting somewhere on the front of a slot or video poker machine, that tells the player what each winning hand will pay for the number of coins or credits played.
- Pick‘em Game – A dead even game giving both sides an equal chance.
- Pigeon – An uneducated, naive, or unsophisticated gambler.
- Pit – The area inside a cluster of gaming tables, where the center is restricted to dealers and other casino staff.
- Pit Boss – A casino employee who is in charge of all the tables in a particular area.
- Place Bet – The place numbers are 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. The place bet is a wager that either one or more of the place numbers will come up before a seven in Craps.
- Player – A person gambling at a casino.
- Player Position – Eight player positions on each side of the standard craps table, numbered 1 through eight moving from the stickperson to the dealer.
- Plug – A card shuffling technique.
- Pocket Cards – Playing cards that are dealt face down during a Poker game.
- Point – In craps, dice term for the number rolled on the Come Out Roll if a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 are rolled. The point has to be repeated before a seven rolls for the Pass Line bets to win.
- Point Numbers – The numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 established on the Come Out roll in Craps.
- Point Spread – The listed odds or points offered on a game.
- Pot – In a poker game, the amount of money that accumulates in the middle of the table as each player antes, bets, and raises. The pot goes to the winner of the hand.
- Press – Increasing a bet by double.
- Press Bet – A wager twice the size of a person’s usual wager.
- Pressing – A player is pressing the bet when he/she lets winnings ride by wagering them along with the original bet.
- Price Line – The listed odds or points offered on a game.
- Probability – A branch of mathematics that measures the likelihood that an event will occur. Probabilities are expressed as numbers between 0 and 1. The probability of an impossible event is 0, while an event that is certain to occur has a probability of 1.
- Progressive Slots – Slots that allow the player to increase the potential jackpot each time a new coin is inserted for play. When the progressive jackpot finally hits, the amount resets to the starting number.
- Proposition Bet – Dice bets on number combinations.
- Punter – A casino player.
- Push – A tie or standoff when the dealer and the player have the same total. No one wins and no money changes hands.
- Quads – Four of a kind.
- Qualifier – In Poker, the minimum standard a hand must meet in order for it to be eligible for part of the pot.
- Quarters – A term used by players meaning chips with a $25 denomination.
- Quinella – A wager picking the first or second place finish in either order (1,2 or 2,1).
- Rack – A box to hold chips or checks.
- Raise – In poker, a player raises by matching the previous bet and then betting more, in order to increase the stake for remaining players.
- Rake – The money that the casino charges for each hand of poker. It is usually a percentage or flat fee that is taken from the pot after each round of betting.
- Rank – The value of a set of cards.
- Rap – To cast disparaging remarks about someone. Usually done behind his or her back.
- Red – The most common color used for $5 chips.
- Red-Black Bet – In Roulette, an outside wager on whether the next spin will be a red or a black number. This bet is played off at even money.
- Reel – The spinning area on the slot machines displaying the various symbols.
- Renege – Definition 1: To refuse to honor a lost wager or debt. Definition 2: To misplay a card illegally.
- RFB – High rollers are comped with free room, food, and beverage.
- Riffling – Card shuffling technique.
- Right Bettor – A person betting on the Pass Line.
- Ring Game – A regular poker game rather than a tournament. May be referred to as a live game because actual money is used rather than chips.
- River – In poker, the final card dealt in a hand of stud or hold ‘em. In 7 card stud, staying in until the fifth and final round of betting is called going to the river.
- RNG – the random number generator, which is a computer chip inside a slot machine. It is constantly generating thousands of numbers every second.
- Round Robin – A bet of 3 teams or more.
- Royal Flush – In Poker, an ace-high straight flush which is the best possible hand.
- Rush – A streak of winning many consecutive hands in Poker.