News of the World Bingo disappears into the Sun

There has been a lot of focus on the News of the World newspaper in the past week and the fact that the paper is no more has caused a spark of emotion in many people. Some are sad that many hard working people have lost their job but many more are delighted that a newspaper which conducted itself in such a terrible fashion is no longer on sale. This has been a great triumph for many people who demanded justice but there have been some issues raised by the demise of the firm.
Unacceptable behaviour by the company
It hasn’t been at the top of the list for news articles but there has been some concern for bingo players who used the News of the World bingo site. Some players may have had a lot of money tied up in the account and the fact that the paper was withdrawn from the market led many to think that the bingo site may go the same way. It has been announced that the News of the World bingo site has closed but all of the accounts have been transferred over to The Sun bingo site. This is no real loss for punters because both sites utilise the same software and of course, both papers were under the News International group so there is nothing lost there.
Your money is safe
Many bingo players will be delighted to learn that their money is safe and that they haven’t lost out on anything. However, many people have been sickened by the actions of News International over the phone hacking scandal and it is likely that they will seek to remove their funds from the site altogether. This is a simple process and can be completed in a matter of minutes. This means that if anyone wants to hit News International where it hurts, in their bank account, it is easy enough to do so.
It is not as if there is a shortage of other online bingo sites to choose from and anyone wanting to try other sites out will find plenty to amuse them. The outrage over the phone hacking scandal has caused many people to change their opinion about the newspapers published by News International and you can expect many will decide to give The Sun bingo site a miss. After all, withdrawing money is the only sort of protest some people understand.